Quiz in each issue of Clinical Neuropathology
Each issue of Clinical Neuropathology has a quiz, with questions based on the papers and the editorial. We are grateful to Dr. Ingeborg Fischer of the Institute of Pathology at Kantonsspital Aarau, Switzerland, who prepares the questions for the quiz.
You can make each quiz online and see your scores right away!
Make sure you have read the articles, and just click the quiz links below to take the quiz online. If you are a Journal subscriber, you have free access to the Journal (links to the relevant Journal issues are provided below).
Online Quiz #24 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 43/3 May/June 2024
Online Quiz #23 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 43/2 March/April 2024
Online Quiz #22 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 43/1 January/February 2024
Online Quiz #21 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 42/5-6 Sept/Oct & Nov/Dec 2023
Online Quiz #20 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 42/4 July/August 2023
Online Quiz #19 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 42/3 May/June 2023
Online Quiz #18 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 42/2 March/April 2023
Online Quiz #17 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 42/1 January/February 2023
Online Quiz #16 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 41/6 November/December 2022
Online Quiz #15 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 41/5 September/October 2022)
Online Quiz #14 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 41/4 (July/August 2022)
Online Quiz #13 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 41/3 (May/JuneSave 2022)
Online Quiz #12 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 41/2 (March/April 2022). Based on papers and editorial published in the same issue.
Online Quiz #11 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 41/1 (January/February 2022). Based on papers and editorial published in the same issue.
Online Quiz #10 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 40/6 (November/December 2021). Based on papers and editorial published in the same issue.
Online Quiz #9 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 40/5 (September/October 2021). Based on papers and editorial published in the same issue.
Online Quiz #8 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 40/4 (July/August 2021). Based on papers and editorial published in the same issue.
Online Quiz #7 was published in Clinical Neuropathology 40/3 (May/June 2021). Based on papers and editorial published in the same issue.
Online Quiz #6, as published in Clinical Neuropathology 40/2 (March/April 2021). Based on papers and editorial published in the same issue.
Online Quiz #5, as published in and based on editorial and papers in Clinical Neuropathology 40/1 (January/February 2021). Based on papers and editorial published in the same issue.
Online Quiz #4, as published in and based on editorial and papers in Clinical Neuropathology 39/6 (November/December 2020). Based on papers and editorial published in the same issue.
Online Quiz #3, as published in and based on editorial and papers in Clinical Neuropathology 39/5 (September/October 2020). Based on papers and editorial in the same issue.
Online quiz #2, as published in Clinical Neuropathology 39/5 (September/October 2020). Based on papers and editorial of issue 4 (July/August).
Online quiz #1, as published in Euro-CNS news in Clin NP #4, 2020.
Based on papers and editorial Volume 39 (2020), No. 3/2020(May/June)