The Portuguese Neuropathological Society
The Portuguese Neuropathological Society (PNS) has about fourty associates, among them neuropathologists (most of them neurologists who had to pass two-year post-graduate neuropathology training), neurologists, general pathologists and neuropathology and general pathology technicians. Currently, there are 6 neuropathologists in the North ( 4 in Porto, 1 in Matosinhos and 1 in Braga ), 1 in the centre (Coimbra ) and 6 in Lisbon. However, most of them are not fulltime neuropathologists as they also work as clinical neurologists or general pathologists.
We try hard to have two annual meetings, one of which is a very informal one (just to present very unusual cases, and to discuss the problems of the neuropathology in Portugal and of Euro-CNS), and the other usually being in association with the Portuguese Neurological Society (third weekend of November).
Currently, the President is Dr. Mrinalini Honavar, the Vice President is Prof. Manuel Melo Pires, the Secretary is Dr. Ricardo Taipa and the Treasurer is Dr. Rafael Roque.
Updated 27 November 2015.