Dutch Society of Neuropathology

In the 60-ies

To enhance the knowledge and good practice of neuropathology in the Netherlands and to stimulate interaction between neuropathologists and other colleagues with an interest in the field.

Executive Board
o    Chairman: Dr. W.F.A. den Dunnen
o    Secretary: Dr. T.M. Teune
o    Treasurer: Dr. A. Kooij
(change in board expected later in 2024)

Number of members
Varies between 30-35

Main focus of members
Neuropathology (full time), Neuropathology (part time)

~3 times per year. In 2025, the Dutch Society of Neuropathology will host the 13th European Congress of Neuropathology in Maastricht, the Netherlands, in conjunction with the with the Belgian Working Group of Neuropathologists and the Luxembourg colleagues. Read more here: European Congress of Neuropathology 2025

Neuropathology in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, Neuropathology is still part of pathology. Neuropathology is mainly based in academic hospitals. Individual pathologists have their own specialization. Neuropathology is officially recognized as a subspecialty and all neuropathology is done by neuropathologists. Within neuropathology there is sub-specialization as well (neurodegeneration/muscle) and research.

Minimally 1 block of about 3 months in the 5 year training program of pathology is necessary, but more time can be allocated in the second half of the training period

Developments / concerns
Health insurances do not completely cover costs for neuropathological diagnostic care. For instance brain autopsies and some molecular tests, such as methylome profiling, are not reimbursed at the moment.