The Polish Association of Neuropathologists

The Polish Association of Neuropathologists was founded in 1964. The general assembly is held every three years, the board members have meetings in between.

Spreading the knowledge, good practice of neuropathology, and to stimulate scientific research; Organization of the scientific meetings and conferences; Coordination of specialization program and accreditation process in neuropathology; Preparation of the diagnostic guidelines and reporting standards


There are 40 ordinary, and five honorary members. More than 20 physicians are actively involved with neuropathology. The society organizes annual meetings on-site or on-line. The members are active in promotion of neuropathology in clinical and scientific aspects.

Main focus of majority of the members
Neuropathology (part time)

Society officers 2024
Ewa Iżycka-Świeszewska- President
Albert Acewicz-Vice President
Tomasz Stępień- Treasurer
Dorota Dziewulska- Secretary
Wiesława Grajkowska- National consultant

Editor-in-chief of Folia Neuropathologica
Dorota Sulejczak, MSci Prof.

National Consultant in Neuropathology
Prof. Wieslawa Grajkowska, MD

Representatives in the Euro-CNS Council|
Ewa Izycka-Swieszewska and Wieslawa Grajkowska

Folia Neuropathologica is the official journal of the Polish Association of Neuropathologists and the Medical Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences. (Impact Factor 2.494)

One spring scientific meeting on-line; one- day scientific conference every year in the autumn’; two-days conference every 3 years

Neuropathology status in Poland
Neuropathology is a medical specialty with the existence of formal organized training system being supervised by a National Consultant and the Expert Committee. The specialization can be done as a
separate program (residency) or as a continuation of education with dedicated programs after pathology, neurology or neurosurgery. The training is finished with the national exam and certification of specialization.

Neuropathology training
A training program can be separate in neuropathology (with two years of general pathology and three years of neuropathology) or in the intermixed variants after pathology or neurology residency. Passed central national exam is the basis of the specialization diploma.

Developments / news
The “Clinical Neuropathology” book, “Neuropatologia kliniczna” in Polish, is in the final period of writing.